Sep 30, 2010

Learn Spanish - Helpful Hints For Learning Quickly

You want to learn Spanish - congratulations! One great thing, the Spanish language is not hard to learn. Even if you are someone who has trouble learning languages; Spanish is such a dominant language today, and there are plenty of methods to use that will make your learning process easier. Next we'll go into some strategies you can employ to make learning Spanish a whole lot easier and more fun.

Get a course on CD. A course on CD is really great for anyone who feels shy about taking on a new language. You will be able to listen to someone pronounce the words and use them in sentences. The learning material is as good as any classroom. But with a CD you won't have to worry about making mistakes in front of the classroom. Also, with your Spanish language CD - it can go where ever you go! You can download them to your favorite mp3 player, or simply use a portable CD player and learn while you are on the go! So there's no single location where you must learn.

Be sure to work on your listening skills for any language. Some languages put more emphasis on the 'verbal' than the written. You will still need to learn how to 'hear' a language as long as it's still alive. Memorizing the alphabet, or writing a proper sentence, only takes you so far. You need to be able to understand the language when you hear it. The best thing to do is listen to your language as much as you possibly can. When you find yourself being able to identify your language after hearing just a few words you'll know you are on your way to really learning Spanish (or whatever language you have chosen)!

Keep in mind that perfection comes from practice. Just forget about it comes out, the important thing is to speak the language as much as you can. Another tip is to replace the words in your language with the words you know from the language you're learning. For example, if you are learning Spanish try using "cena" instead of "dinner" or "uno" for "one." The words will feel like second nature to you, in time. This will help you to know the words when you hear them being used. That is the best way to start piecing together translations when you speak with people who are fluent in the language you are trying to learn. There's really no reason to go through a lot of frustration when learning Spanish. You can find a lot of helpful tips to help you with it. You can help yourself learn any language, including Spanish, by having an open mind to it. You can absorb the information much more with an open mind. You will only experience more difficulty if you try to make it sound like your native language.

It Is Finally Time to Toss All Your Spanish Verb Conjugation Books in the Garbage: Master Your Spanish Verb Conjugation

How to Learn Spanish Faster

So you've decided to learn Spanish. Great choice, you'll be joining millions of speakers around the world. The problem is one weekly lesson at the local community centre isn't going to get your lingo in shape before that holiday to South America or that in time to land that big promotion that requires a second language. You know how to say 'Hola!' to your friends, but you just don't feel confident having a full conversation with your amigos yet. There are ways you can learn Spanish faster.

Here are some tips to get your Spanish skills increasing as quick as Speedy Gonzales;

Take an Online Course: Even if you are already attending a class. Enrolling in an additional online course can help speed of your learning. The great thing about online courses is that you can move through the material at your own pace, and in some cases pick what you are learning. It should be easy to pick up different vocabulary in your class, and you will find that the extra practice help a lot.

Vocabulary Programs: These programs have become quite a useful tool for language learners. Many of these programs send you a few words each day in your target language, usually to your email account or mobile phone. Set aside five or ten minutes each say to learn these new words and build your vocabulary.

Language Immersion: This is the process of immersing yourself in a community where only the target language is spoken. Booking a holiday in a Spanish speaking country like Mexico or Peru for a week or two is a great way to set your skills on the increase.

Local Culture: Is there a community of Spanish speaking people nearby you? See what local festivals or other activities you can join in on. You will be surprised how much you can learn from these events. Find out if you have access to Spanish language TV or radio networks where you live, you may find that watching or listening to one or two of these a week will help you build your vocabulary and also assist in pronunciation.

Find a Language Buddy: Spanish is such a popular second language choice, you will be sure to find a friend who is learning as well. Meet up once a week for coffee and practice your language skills with each other.

Practice, Practice, Practice: Yes, it does actually make perfect! Try to make time everyday to review what you have learnt so far, or look ahead in your class materials. Even ten or fifteen minutes a day can make a huge difference to how quickly you learn. You may like to develop your own system of flashcards that you can use at home to test yourself or to learn new words.

Of course, there is no miracle answer of program that will have you speaking fluent Spanish in seven days. Keep practicing Spanish whenever you get the opportunity and you will find that your skills will follow. With a little time and effort you can learn much quicker than you thought.

Here's a great way to get started with the Spanish language for free - take the 12 daily Spanish lessons over at the Spanish Lessons For Free website. When you finish the lessons, they'll also give you some really important tips and methods for learning any language quickly. Well worth it, for free!

Oh, and make sure you complete the challenge at the end of lesson 1 - It makes all the difference!

Sep 29, 2010

Learn Spanish Lessons Online the Fun and Easy Way

Since the dawn of the Digital Age, the Internet has provided us with thousands of opportunities to shop, read, discover, and learn online. One of the best ways to learn Spanish is to learn Spanish lessons online. You can always find quick tips and advice with short lessons that will help you to become fluent in Spanish enough to hold casual conversations. Or, you can take a complete Spanish language course that includes, reading, writing, speaking, and listening.

There are many Spanish courses online that promise you will be speaking Spanish as if you were a native. However, you need to realize that if it sounds to good to be true, it usually is! There are some programs to learn Spanish lessons online that will teach you a few words and phrases but you won't be even close to knowing how to speak the language fluently.

When learning any foreign language, you have to immerse yourself into language, and understand the language completely. This includes, all verb tenses, and grammar. If anyone tries to tell you that learning a language is easy, they are not telling the truth. It takes time to learn Spanish lessons online, and to learn all the intricacies of the language.

To teach yourself Spanish online, and to learn it completely, you should choose a quality online Spanish course that has a multifaceted plan. The course should have interactive lessons, CD's, even DVD's where you can learn from the comfort of your home, or anywhere you want.

If you think you're ready to start learning Spanish and want to get a kick-start to learning it, I highly recommend you check out Rocket Spanish--to learn more about Rocket Spanish you can go to the followinghere

If you want to see a real customer review of Rocket Spanish, check out this video to see if Rocket Spanish is right for you:

iPod Spanish Classes - Learning a New Language From Your MP3 Player Or iPod

Learning with iPod Spanish classes can help cut down on the amount of time it takes you to learn to speak this great language. Understanding and speaking fluent conversational Spanish is important in order to understand what people are saying to you and how reply. With the help of your MP3 player or iPod you can understand a grammar, pronunciation, verbs and phrases which are all vital to understanding how to speak Spanish.

Using this type of learning gives you a better learning experience when compared to other more traditional learning ways. Here are a few reasons why learning with interactive software is better.

1) Learn at a rate that works for you. You don't have to rush or keep up with the class mates which is perfect for people who are slow learners or those who want to jump ahead.

2) You don't have to spend hundreds of dollars hiring a tutor when you can get everything you need downloaded straight your iPod or MP3 player. Having a full Spanish course at the tip of your fingers allows you to learn any time, anywhere.

3) Quickly assimilate what you're learning and use it in your everyday life. Using what you've learned even if it's only a few words here and there can help your brain remember more and recognize objects, places and things in both English and Spanish.

iPod Spanish classes can cut down your time spent learning and the amount of money it will cost. Hiring a tutor can be very expensive and you have to work around the tutors schedule. Going to Spanish-speaking classes can be a bit cheaper than a tutor but require more time spent going to classes because you learn less during the classes. This simply comes down to having more students in one class and more people requiring the teachers attention.

You can get a great Spanish-speaking course for your MP3 player or portable device by going toiPod Spanish Classes. This interactive course will help you save time and learn Spanish faster.

Not sure of if learning from your iPod would be the perfect fit for you? You can compare interactive Spanish courses at iPod Spanish course reviews [] for comparison to other Spanish classes.

3 Easy Ways to Learn Spanish Free of Charge

Learning Spanish in this day and age is nearly as necessary as having a computer. There are many people that live in the United States that speak Spanish. There are many different online games, internet websites, and Spanish speaking neighborhoods that make it easy to be around Spanish stuff all the time. These are a few ways that may help you become more Spanish friendly.

1. If you want to have fun and learn a new language like Spanish the best way is to find an online video game. There are all sorts of different games to choose from. For example, they have cross words, hang man, and different word games. It is as easy as finding a search engine and typing in free Spanish online games. Finding games on the internet is very easy. You also have many to choose from and it is a great way to gain knowledge while having fun all at the same time.

2. Another way to help you learn Spanish with out having to buy different programs is to search different Spanish web sites. Although you may not be fluent enough to understand most of what you might be reading you can use your basic knowledge of different items and scroll your mouse over the items and relate the item with the Spanish term. Using these simple ideas will open up a different world. A world you have never explored. Just be patient and take your time.

3. If you live in the United States you probably do not live far from a Spanish speaking neighborhood. I personally live in one and you experience a lot of needing of understanding Spanish. People say, when you are in Rome, act like the Romans. Same situation. You never know what you might find you may learn. If you submerse yourself with fluently speaking Spanish people you may be able to teach them some English and they may teach you some Spanish. Time to travel outside of your realm.

I have personally tried these tips and they work quite well. Online games are fun for you and the family. Different web sites are also fun and some are quite difficult. When considering a second language you will need to devote time, determination, and headaches. you will find that you are using you time as an asset to your future and it could also open doors of opportunity.

You are going to be able to speak at a restaurant, at an airport, with new friends... in basically every situation you can think of! So, whether you are interested in learning Spanish for your job, to communicate with neighbors, or if you are planning to travel to a Spanish speaking country, learning a new language online has never been easier!
Learn Spanish Online with the Best Spanish Course Online!

You Can Learn Spanish Online Very Easily With Many Resources

There are so many people all over the world who like to learn foreign languages. Besides English, Spanish is one of the most popular languages, which the people from different countries like to learn. It is no longer a constraint for you to be far off from Spain. It is possible to know language online. Internet has eliminated the distances and its innovation is a blessing in many respects.

If you want to learn Spanish, it could not have been possible for you to know language online sitting at home, if internet were not there. Then, you had to sit in a classroom in some institute teaching the foreign languages or Spanish.

Here we give you a couple of simple tips to proceed to know language online. Of course, being motivated is the first requirement to know language as is true for anything else.

You can accomplish your goal to know language online, if you keep up your motivation even in your difficult times. You will learn Spanish on line. You get additional benefit by visiting Spain on your holiday trip. It is worthwhile visiting the native countryside where you can talk to the people who speak the real Spanish language.

People in Spain are very cordial and they will honor you with a warm reception when they know you are learning Spanish and try to converse with them. No one is perfect. All of us do some mistakes. When you learn Spanish online, do not worry if you make some errors, people will appreciate your motivation and effort. You will soon get fluent in the language.

When you understand this and know that you have your own dignity and values, you will unquestionably be determined to put all your efforts in learning the language. If you opt to learn Spanish online, you get many choices, including the different Spanish sites and software to choose from. Learners should try to master over the flow of the language when it is spoken. If you follow this step, it becomes simpler to pronounce Spanish words and you can be expert to follow the accent.

To get better job opportunities in the United States, knowledge of Spanish is very important as it is the second most commonly spoken language. The number of people who know language is increasing very fast day by day. It is estimated that in next ten years there will be about 20% increase in Spanish speaking people in USA alone.

When you are in employment, it is not feasible to join a regular class to learn Spanish because of shortage of time; to learn Spanish online is the best option for employed people. Moreover, it does not restrict you anyway and you can learn it at any convenient time on internet. You are free to multitask. You can learn Spanish online at home, or while traveling or camping somewhere. If you learn from a recognized institute approved by Spanish authorities, you receive a certificate after completion of your course and that certificate authenticates your qualification in the Spanish language.

You can now learn Spanish online. The following link is a very helpful resource if you are looking for help in learning Spanish for kids!

Quick Tips to Learn Spanish Fast Online

What is Your Goal?

You've came here because you want to learn how to speak Spanish online quickly, effectively, and easily. In order to start learning Spanish, it is important to develop an action plan. If your goal is to become a fluent Spanish speaking person, then you will want to practice every single day, however, if you only want to learn Spanish enough to be functional, then you'll be fine practicing several hours a week.

Setting up goals is the greatest way to achieve anything in life, especially when it comes to learning a new language. When you set goals and achieve them, you'll be of the 5% of the people in this world who meet their preset goals.

Maximizing Time In Your Car

When you are driving in the car, make sure you try practicing your Spanish. You can even start listening to the Spanish radio station, just to get your daily exposure to the Spanish language. It would also be wise to find Spanish learning audio-books, and put them on your IPOD. You can then find a IPOD to radio converter (they're sold everywhere), and start learning Spanish every single day you are driving in the car. You will be surprised of the results.

Some tips to follow to learn even faster

Don't be afraid to make any mistakes.

Master your fundamentals

There are many rules that might seem "strange", however, just be sure to follow these.

Mimic native speakers, you will blend in with your speech better if your learn how to say certain phrases.

It would also be highly wise to find software, in which you can learn Spanish on your own computer, at your own pace.

Do you want to learn Spanish Online?

Are you looking for easy lessons to teach you spanish quickly?

Read Free Here: Rocket Fast Spanish Lessons For Beginners

Tips On How To Learn Spanish

Most colleges require at least two years of study in a foreign language. The only majors that are usually excluded from this requirement are business and technical majors. If you're pursuing a bachelor of arts, this will most definitely be a prerequisite. One of the most popular languages to take in college is Spanish. Why? Because it is the closest foreign language to English and is becoming increasingly important to understand due to the large influx of Spanish-speaking individuals in the United States.

But to be honest, most students take Spanish because of the first reason listed above: it will be easier than other languages since its so close to English. However, do not let this popular myth fool you. Spanish can be a very difficult language to grasp, especially in the more advanced levels. It would be wise to invest in a quality study tool to aid in your absorption of material such as vocabulary, conjugation, and pronunciation. Here are some basic guidelines that will enable you to learn spanish most effectively:

1.)Organize and categorize vocabulary words. Learning a plethora of vocabulary words is standard in any foreign language. But a good way to avoid getting confused or increasing your mental retention is to organize the vocabulary words assigned into relatable categories. For example, organize all the vocab words relating to the home (like bathroom, garage, sofa) and then create a category. Whenever you receive more vocab words of the same ilk, place them in this category. This simple technique will really aid in your studies.

2.)"Micro-study" -- Study a little bit each day rather than trying to cram everything in one night. This is an extremely important technique when studying a foreign language. There are so many rules and intricacies associated with foreign language that it's important to study a small amount each and every day as opposed to cramming everything into one major study night before a test. Taking the "micro-study" approach improves both retention of material and understanding.

3.)Find a study partner. Since all foreign languages focus on speaking and interacting with individuals, acquiring a quality study partner is essential if you truly want to succeed with any foreign language, especially Spanish. As most people know, those who are fluent in Spanish speak in a rapid manner and the only way to emulate this style is to speak Spanish regularly with others. The more you speak, feel the words roll off your tongue, and understand the flow of a conversation in the language, the better you will learn spanish. It's that simple.

Check Out the Best College Information Site on the Net

Learning Spanish - I Hate My Accent!

Are you trying to learn how to speak Spanish? Embarrassed of speaking because you have a terrible accent? Do not fret; you are not the only one! There are many people just like you out there. The problem with most Spanish instructors nowadays is that they put too much emphasis on mechanics and grammar and too little emphasis on the most important thing, speaking. The difference in emphasis between the two concepts will usually opaque the beauty of simply being able to speak Spanish. Spanish is, after all, one of the romance languages highlighted by its beauty. With that said it is time to close the books for a little bit and enjoy the beauty of the language. How can you do that? Simply follow the tips below and you will see how easy it is to improve your accent and enjoy the beauty of speaking Spanish.

1- My Spanish class is over, it is time to go home, make some popcorn and take a break from Spanish by watching my favorite English shows, right? Wrong. You should not confine your learning to the classroom! Instead of watching the same show every afternoon, why not add some variety and watch a movie in Spanish! This way you are being both entertained as well as learning! Also, your accent will dramatically improve by listening to the dialogue in Spanish. If you need to, feel free to repeat what the people in the movie are saying and rewind until you feel comfortable with your accent.

2- Get some friends! Many people who are trying to learn Spanish probably do it because they have interacted or interact with Spanish speakers during their daily lives. What better opportunity to learn Spanish than with your friends? If you have any friends who are fluent in Spanish, why not start a conversation with them in Spanish? It doesn't have to be something complex like discussing politics. It can be something as simple as asking them how their day is going. With this exposure to hearing and speaking the language your accent is bound to improve in no time.

Remember, learning from a book is not every thing. Sometimes just getting out and starting conversations with friends outside of the classroom can be equally as effective when trying to learn Spanish.

See how you can Learn Spanish effectively and quickly, or at your very own pace! You can learn to Speak Spanish Confidently [] and Naturally in Less than 8 Weeks! Learn to Speak Spanish Confidently, Naturally and Fluently with 31 Lesson Interactive Audio Course! Learning Spanish Online [] has Never Been Easier or More Effective!

How to Use Learning Spanish Audio Tools Effectively and Improve Fluency

Learning how to be fluent in Spanish or any other second language is not so difficult if you are using the correct set of tools. Audio based tools are a fantastic addition to the process of language acquisition and learning Spanish audio programs are a main part of this virtual language tool chest. Here are five tips which will help you and your Spanish fluency.

Tip 1. Mimic what you hear

When you are listening to songs, watching TV or movies in Spanish, make sure that you occasionally stop and repeat out loud some of the text. While you are doing this, make sure that you mimic not only the accent but the inflection of the voice that you hear. Practice this skill everyday and you will see a definite improvement in your fluency.

Tip 2. Have conversations with native speakers

The whole point of learning Spanish is to speak and communicate. One of the easiest ways to practice and improve is to speak with native Spanish speakers. You can check out communities of Spanish students at local universities and form a conversation club. If you have a business in a Latino neighborhood, try out your Spanish in the store. You might surprise yourself.

Tip 3. Communicate

Do not be afraid to use your Spanish skills. You must practice them in order to develop. Get rid of all your inhibitions and do not be afraid to make mistakes. These are very important and will help you improve. The main point is that you are understood. Always go for fluency over accuracy.

Tip 4. Get groups of students together

Practice, practice, practice. You must use your new language skills as often as you can. One of the best ways is to form some sort of social group that has the same goals in mind. Find some friends who are learning Spanish and go out for coffee or just get together and practice. Remember that fluency is much more important than being correct. Keep the conversations moving and have fun.

Tip 5. Watch DVD movies

There is a fantastic tool available these days and that is the DVD. Go out and rent some movies. Many DVD movies have subtitle features. Some, if not most are dubbed into Spanish as one of the language options. Try watching your favorite movie in Spanish with subtitles in Spanish. You would be surprised at how effective this can be.

If you would like to improve your Spanish fluency, get instant access to my free 10 part e-course called, The Key to Language Fluency E-Course by going here: Spanish Fluency E-Course

Sep 28, 2010

Free English to Spanish Translator

I you're looking for a free English to Spanish translator, then I'm sure you want to write something in Spanish. However, I don't suggest you use any free english to Spanish translators - I believe you should be doing something else. As someone who wants to write in Spanish, I'm sure it won't be your last time trying to do so, and in that sense I think you should simply learn Spanish.

You might think that learning Spanish is too hard or requires to much work. I'll be honest with you - you do need to be motivated and put some effort into learning Spanish. In another sense, after you get to know the most popular Spanish words and you're able to speak a little-bit, you'll find it fun to talk to someone in Spanish or to listen to someone speak Spanish. At this stage, you'll amuse yourself by trying to understand and find the right words to express yourself.

Now, if you simply continue using free English to Spanish translators, you'll keep on sending Spanish texts that are very poorly written. Even if you only know basic Spanish, with some tools you will be able to write much better than by simply using a free English to Spanish translator. These translators don't understand sentence structure nor most grammar, and they often simply translate word by word which doesn't give very good results. That's why by simply investing into learning Spanish, you'll be able to seem proficient, professional and knowledgeable when you write in Spanish.

When I first started learning Spanish, I was scared of how much work there would be and of giving up in the middle of learning it. When I first started learning some vocabulary, I did use free English to Spanish translators, but I only translated one word at a time. If you translate anything more than that, then you will not get effective translations. Free English to Spanish translators are good tools to use, but use them wisely.

Now, you might think that learning Spanish is a very hard process, but if I can do it you can too. When I first started, I decided that a Spanish class wouldn't be a good option for me. I thought that learning myself from home would be better, since I can manage my own sessions and work when I want to. So the next step I did from there was to do my homework: I researched how to learn Spanish on my own, and I did some research on the most popular Spanish courses.

Today, I can speak fluent Spanish thanks to a course I got my hands on, called Rocket Spanish. This course helped me a lot to learn Spanish, and together with some language learning tips online I learned Spanish quite quickly. Rocket Spanish is truly one of the most easiest courses to learn from because it installs directly on your computer and it comes with many audio files. These audio files helped me acquire great pronunciation.

If you would like to learn more about Rocket Spanish and how I learnt Spanish, simply go to My Rocket Spanish review now.

Getting to Know Rocket Spanish

If you have ever wondered what Spanish course to take then you have probably been searching for the Spanish complete course that will teach you everything that you need to know. Rocket Spanish promises to be the course that will teach you how to have a very fluent conversation in Spanish within three months.

Most people who choose to learn how to speak Spanish wish to be able to have everyday conversations in the language with people that speak as their mother tongue. Often times when one is learning how to speak Spanish they may find that practicing on people that speak it can assist them in the learning process because the people that speak it naturally will teach them what they are doing wrong.

Rocket Spanish promises to deliver some highly advanced teaching techniques in a Spanish complete course that will allow one to learn the language in at least one third of the time that it would normally take at a college or nighttime classes. Although these are some impressive claims, there are many people who have found much success with this program.

Containing 12 hours of audio lessons the Spanish complete course from Rocket Spanish will teach the student the proper pronunciation of Spanish words as well as conversational speaking. There are two course books that accompany the audio lessons as well as two additional software programs that are available to help further your knowledge of the language.

The creator of Rocket Spanish offers a 60 day money back guarantee if one does not feel that the program is helping him/her to speak the Spanish language as fluently as they wish or as quickly as they anticipated.

As an added bonus, a person contemplating whether or not to utilize the Rocket Spanish program as their Spanish complete course can utilize the trial run which is a free six day e-course that will teach a few of the Spanish language basics. This can be a great tool to decide if this is going to be the best program.

There is a lot to be said for the ability to be able to carry on a conversation in another language. This program has been very helpful to many people who have traveled around the world to various locations that consider Spanish to be their mother language. Any time one visits another country it is important for them to be able to locate certain places that they wish to visit, restaurants, retail outlets, hotels, or even taxicabs. Learning conversational Spanish with the Rocket Spanish program has proved too many people to be a great way to quickly learn a language before traveling to the country that actually speaks it.

It is no wonder, with all of the various Spanish learning programs available, that many people are turning to rocket Spanish because of the Spanish complete course that it offers in such a short amount of time. It is expected that as time goes on more and more people will be utilizing the lessons, tips, and tricks taught in Rocket Spanish.

If you would like even more information on the Spanish Complete Course then don't hesitate any more and check out the following link:-
Spanish Complete Course

Get Hired Quick - One Righteous Career Tip

Think of it as career insurance. Versatility is highly desired in any market. Especially by the mid to smaller sized companies which are the engines of the economy. If you wish to always be instantly employable it is even more valuable than ever to have two in demand skills. Say you made the final 5 to be hired for two spots, odds are 40% you will be hired at this employer. If 15% of their clients are Spanish or Portuguese speaking wouldn't it pay off big time to be fluent in Spanish? Certainly your chances of being hired would jump to at least 90% in the former scenario. Since people forget what they learned in school if they don't practice, only about 10-20% of all Americans are really fluent in two or more languages.

Generally you get the idea that versatility is two marketable skills not one. For the record, speaking a less popular language or having a minor skill won't help too much. But with the great success of Rosetta Stone software today learning a second language is in reach for all. What makes Rosetta Stone software so unique and different is the way it uses your brain's natural language pictures to teach you words just like your parents did when you were younger. What ever you learn with the help of this revolutionary software you can retain by watching DVDs in Spanish instead of English. Listening to Spanish radio stations is very popular too. Another example of versatility is: If you are an administrative assistant who specializes in working with QuickBooks software for small businesses, then you learn basic HTML and Website building skills. Now you can maintain or build your employers website and increase the company's sales. You can learn HTML courtesy of the Video Professor Computer Courses in your home in your spare time.

Now you have just become a key employee and near irreplaceable unless they hired two regular employees. Learning basic HTML and Website building skills may take a month or two but there is no rush as long as you are making positive progress. The whole idea is to make you instantly irreplaceable with your employer. Let's face it if you were not learning a new skill in your spare time it would be highly likely that you would just be watching TV. In another example, let's say you work for a newspaper as a writer.

Times are tough and you've survived the first round of layoffs already. Don't wait for the ax to fall helplessly, learn digital photography skills. Basic photo editing and touch up skills with Adobe Photoshop software might take you 1-2 months of practice. Becoming a better photographer with practice and study from the library might take another two months. Now you are both a Journalist and a Photographer for your newspaper. In addition to greater job security now you have two valuable sources of freelance income. Now don't you think a versatile employee will be the first one to be hired?

Learn Spanish the right way here

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How to Learn Spanish Pronunciation - 4 Techniques to Help You Speak Spanish Fluently

Learning proper Spanish pronunciation is a key part of gaining fluency. If you want to know how to learn Spanish pronunciation then here are some great tips:

- Listen to your favorite TV shows or movies with Spanish audio where available. Turn on the Spanish subtitles to see exactly which words are being said, and pay careful attention to the way that they are spoken out loud. Sometimes the pronunciation is quite different from the way that you would assume just from reading the word.

- Interact with native speakers. If you are living in a foreign country, and talking to native Spanish speakers in their own environment, the chances are that you will learn to speak Spanish with the correct pronunciation, however audio courses often feature people speaking slowly with a deliberate pronunciation that will not sound natural. Try to find people nearby who are native or very fluent Spanish speakers and practice your pronunciation with them.

- Repeat the alphabet. This may seem like a simple exercise, but it is a proven way to help you improve your pronunciation in a foreign language. If you can master your pronunciation of the basic elements of Spanish, your pronunciation of words will come a lot more easily.

- Don't be afraid of talking out loud. Too many new students are intimidated by speaking new words or phrases that they have learned, but this is the only way that you will become comfortable enough to really master your fluency. Repeat words that you hear but are unsure how to pronounce properly in Spanish until they sounds as close to the original native speaker as possible.

Alejandra K. Legarda is a free lance Spanish instructor. She is also a contributor to the Learning Spanish Like Crazy course. If you would like to get immediate access to 7 free learning-Spanish videos lessons from Aleja and the first 2 lessons of Learning Spanish Like Crazy, then go here now:

Keys to Finding the Right Spanish Language Software

Are you looking for Spanish language software? Looking for software to be a difficult challenge when it comes to learning the Spanish-language. There are many options out there and choosing the right program can seem very challenging. Here are a few tips that you can use to help you decide what program to pick. Thinking of most expensive program is not always the wisest choice to make.

Conversational Spanish

When it comes to learning to speak the Spanish-language you want to learn conversational Spanish. Conversational Spanish is the ability to speak Spanish as well as understand what people are saying to you in the Spanish-language. It's not bad to know if you Spanish words and phrases but when you're speaking Spanish and someone assumes you understand more there going to talk to faster and use more Spanish words that you may not understand. If you understand conversational Spanish you'll never have to worry or doubt your Spanish-speaking ability.

Choosing the right course

Choosing the right course is important for your education of this language. Find a course that keeps you entertained as well as teaches you conversational Spanish. Focus on ones that teach grammar, nouns and verbs and proper pronunciation of Spanish words and phrases. Focusing on these key points going to ensure you're going to get the best Spanish course for your money.

Product price

Don't jump on the first product that is either cheap or expensive. Courses range from $75-$400. Some Spanish courses can even be more expensive than $400. Choosing the right course really comes down to preference. What can the course offer you the other courses can't. As long as the course you choose focuses on grammar, nouns and verbs and teach you conversational Spanish paying $100 or so can be a very good investment.

Learning time

Each Spanish course teaches differently. The learning time that it takes for you to become fluent in a Spanish language can range from three months to a year. It really depends on how much you devote yourself to learning and how often you are learning. Because interactive software programs can teach anybody young or older the Spanish-language the learning time is really going to you. The more time to devote the faster you will learn.

Spanish language software is a better way to learn than more traditional ways like hiring a tutor or going to Spanish-speaking classes. More traditional ways can cost more money and take more time. Using your home computer and Spanish interactive software programming you can cut down your learning time and the amount of money is good to cost you.

If you have not found the right Spanish language software [] yet then visit [] to see a review of the top 5 online Spanish courses.

Learn Spanish Lessons For Beginners

In this world where traveling can bring a lot of opportunities, acquiring a second language would make a great impact. When you learn a foreign language, you would not only have the capacity to understand and converse with the person speaking that particular language, it would also boost your self-confidence as well.

Whether it is for the sake of your career or just for fun, learning the Spanish language is definitely a benefit.

Spanish is just one of the several languages in the entire world with a lot of speakers. And since Spanish has many users, it is a plus factor for one to be able to understand and speak this particular language which is one of the oldest in world history.

The following are tips for those who are interested in learning Spanish lessons for beginners.

There are several Spanish lessons for beginners that are being offered in newspapers and on the internet. If you want to go for the traditional way, then choose to enroll in a Spanish class. These classes are normally situated in Spanish institutions and other language schools.

Depending on your budget and availability, you can attend their offered courses along with other students. In just a few months, you can learn the basics of the Spanish language like their commonly used greetings and salutations, of course, with the aid of a fluent Spanish-speaking teacher.

If you want to master the language, then your schedule of attending Spanish classes would be longer than the usual, it may even take a year. Now, if you want your Spanish instructor to be concentrated on you alone, then a Spanish tutor would be another choice. It may be costly compared to a Spanish class but it is more convenient since the sessions will go after your preferred time and place, mostly at your own house. Plus, experts say that a one-on-one class is more effective in teaching Spanish lessons for beginners.

If you think your language-acquisition skills are good and you don't need someone to teach you, then buy a book or an installer software that will teach Spanish lessons for beginners like you. When you arrive at the last page of your Spanish book or you have come to the final lesson of your Spanish-teaching application, it would be a sure shot that you are knowledgeable with the basics of Spanish.

Just keep in mind that while you are learning the language, you need to always put your skills to the test.

One suggestion that would test your Spanish is to write sentences in Spanish during your free time. You can also try to watch Spanish cable channels and Spanish television series or movies minus the English subtitles to test your comprehension. You can also read Spanish books and pamphlets aloud to practice your accent. If you are confident and brave enough with your Spanish understanding and speaking skills, then speak with someone who is adept with the language and let him or her correct you with your errors.

No one should be afraid to indulge themselves in Spanish lessons for beginners. For one, Spanish is widely spoken, two, it is very easy to learn and lastly, just think of the many benefits you'll get once you have learned to imitate native Spanish speakers.

Stop procrastinating and learn Spanish lessons today! Find the best Spanish learning programs available.

Learn Spanish Fast Online - Free and Paid Alternatives to Learn Quickly

There are many online resources available, that teach Spanish free of charge. Rather one is looking to learn Spanish because of an upcoming visit to a Spanish speaking country, to qualify for a different job, or just because it is something they have always wanted to do, free resources are readily available.

The Why Dictates the How

The type of course that would prove best for the beginner depends on the reason for learning Spanish. If one desires to learn to have conversation with Spanish speaking people, then they should look for a more conversational lesson plan. If one plans on writing and speaking fluent Spanish, then they would need to learn more grammar, vocabulary, and punctuation. There are many online resources available with a focus in these areas, and should be checked out and considered as learning tools.

Other tips for learning Spanish quickly is to study every day, even if it is only for half an hour. Use an online tutorial. Watch Spanish speaking programs or movies. Listen to Spanish music. Watch Spanish teaching videos, Listen to Spanish audio, listen carefully to the accent and try some of the pronunciation. Try to find a Spanish coach, someone willing to help you learn the language.

Although the free online sites do not work well for everyone and one may not want to take the time to sift through the various sites and teaching methods, many do learn from using these free sites.

Better then the Free Alternatives

If the free online sites do not provide enough information or support, or are not teaching fast enough, one should consider a small investment in a tutorial program, such as Rocket Spanish.

This program teaches conversational Spanish and is great for the beginner, or an intermediate learner wishing to expand their language skills. The course includes audio lessons, pain-free grammar lessons in the form of guidebooks and exercises, vocabulary games, audio games, verb games, 24-hour tutorial support, and more. The Rocket Spanish course offers a free 6 day Spanish course and when purchased, a 60 day money back guarantee.

Whatever method of learning Spanish one chooses, the more serious they are and the more time they are willing to put into a course, the more successful they will be. A big part of being a motivated learner is the teaching methods. The tutorial or program should keep the learner interested and provide fun as well as challenges. Learning without the pain may be well worth a small investment.

Ready to start learning Spanish today? Visit our website at learn Spanish software to read detailed reviews of the best audio and software products like Rocket Spanish now.

Sep 27, 2010

Learn Spanish Courses - Four Ways To Find Spanish Courses

The easiest way to get started learning a new language is to take a course in it. Taking a course in a foreign language gives you a solid background in the basics of the language and, frequently, the culture behind it. It provides a strong base for the many ways you may be interested in using the language such as travel, business or friendly conversation. This article suggests different ways for you to find Spanish courses.

Learn Spanish Courses Tip #1: Check With Your Local Community College

If you live near a community college, you may be able to sign up for an evening or weekend Spanish class. Most colleges offer several different types of Spanish classes. Business Spanish, for instance, is appropriate for people who need to interact with Spanish speaking clients as part of their jobs, whereas conversational Spanish might work better for travelers or people wanting to pick up just enough of the language to converse with friends or in-laws. Finally, a formal Spanish 101 class generally teaches basics of Hispanic culture as well as written and spoken Spanish.

Learn Spanish Courses Tip #2: Check Out Online Universities

Maybe you're not thrilled with the idea of being back in a classroom, or maybe your schedule doesn't fit in with the schedule of the community college. Not to worry. Online (or virtual) universities offer Spanish classes, too. You can complete the lessons when you want, and if you make a pronunciation mistake, nobody has to know but you. The drawback, of course, is that you do not get the personal interaction that a brick-and-mortar classroom would give you. Online universities that offer Spanish for beginners include the Rosetta Stone Language Library and the Penn Foster Career School.

Learn Spanish Courses Tip #3: Check Out Online Spanish Classes

Some websites such as Learn Spanish Online, and SpanishNetCollege exist solely to help online learners master the Spanish language. They differ from online universities in that their entire focus in on Spanish, or at least on foreign languages. A quick search with your favorite search engine will turn up multiple online learning opportunities. Many of these programs offer a free initial lesson so that you can make sure that their teaching style suits your learning style. As with anything else, don't hesitate to comparison shop for the best deal.

Learn Spanish Courses Tip #4: Buy a Spanish Language Course CD Series

There are several language course CDs to help you learn Spanish ranging from advanced conversational Spanish with regional dialects to the most basic Spanish for beginners. Read the promotional materials carefully and select the audio course that appears most helpful to you. For instance, if you spend a lot of time in your car, a CD designed for commuters might be just the thing; and if you're less interested in formal Spanish than on mastering a few phrases to use on your next Mexican vacation, you may want to try a travel or a conversational Spanish CD.

One of the best ways to learn a new language is to take a course in it. Between brick-and-mortar schools, online universities, online language programs, and audio CDs, there are plenty of courses available to help you become fluent in Spanish.

You can listen to a FREE report (in either English or Spanish) at [] on how you can easily and quickly learn to speak Spanish. In today's changing world, speaking Spanish is a requirement!

Dean Novosat learned to speak Spanish and Russian in school. He uses audio and video-based systems to stay current and fluent. [].

When You Need To Learn Spanish Fast - Know Where To Turn To

You just got a memo from the boss. He wants you to be in charge of the company's division in South America. This is that promotion that you have been working so hard for. Unfortunately, you don't speak a word of Spanish and you ship out in six months. Here are some things you need to know if you want to learn Spanish fast.

Take a class: Almost every community college in America has an introductory course for people who want to learn Spanish fast. Most institutions have very accredited teachers who know what they are talking about. Most teachers spend their entire summer in a Spanish speaking country to stay fluent and up with the new terminology. For example, ten years ago, who in America knew what a 'blog' was? Not many. Chances are that 'blog' is a word that has been given a Spanish name, and is something that most people won't know if they don't interact with other Spanish speakers.

Buy an audio program: An audio program is a good idea for those people who don't have time to take a class, but still need to learn Spanish fast. An audio program goes at your own pace and at your own time. If you want to learn Spanish at 3 AM, feel free to do so. Make sure you buy a good audio program, though, as there are many out there on the market. Just taking a few minutes to read reviews can save you time and money.

Full Immersion: If you have the time and the money, then total immersion is for you. It is a proven and guaranteed method for anyone to learn Spanish fast. For this method, you travel to a Spanish speaking country and surround yourself with only locals. That means you must stay out of tourist destinations! You can't be around English speakers at all. Besides, when locals find out whom you are and that you are trying to learn their language and culture, they will be more than happy to help you learn to speak Spanish. Plus, you may make some friends for life!

As you can see, if you want to learn Spanish fast, it is entirely possible. These tips can take anywhere from three weeks to six months to work, but they do work. Try them out. What do you really have to lose?

If theses tips have helped you and you want more help on how to learn Spanish fast, check out and get the information you need to learn the Spanish language in a super fun and quick way!

DVDs to Teach Spanish to Young Children

Many parents are using programs for learning Spanish with their preschoolers and young school-age children, whether for homeschooling Spanish or not.  I went looking around Amazon for some, and I ended up finding…

Brainy Baby - Spanish

Very useful and simple way of introducing Spanish to your kids. For a more in depth learning system, try Rocket Spanish here.

View the original article here

How to Tell If You Are Learning Genuine Spanish Language Or Not - The Indirect Method

Except if you are out learning the Spanish language and planning to be a jester and/or make people laugh, you are encouraged to discover fast enough whether the Spanish language you are learning or is being taught is genuine or not.

When you adopt the indirect method, you are sure to avoid all the embarrassment with an incomplete vocabulary that is sure to make you blush and stammer when you speak incorrectly especially when you are part of an exciting conversation and you are expected to dazzle everybody close to where you are speaking the Spanish language in a confident, free, easy and fluent manner.

It is a pathetic sight to make mistakes in public and become laughed at. Imagine feeling like you were caught taking a shower with your clothes on, it's totally absurd.

However, imagine the thrill and admiration you will command and receive as you speak Spanish easily, confidently, fluently and with the correct intonations among local Spanish speakers whether in Latin America or Europe?

Not only will you be the toast of the moment, you can watch as everyone around will view you with envy and treat you with respect because it is a wonderful sight to behold when you come across total strangers conversing freely in your local language.

Everybody can use a little recognition and attention sometime.

You must realize that it is absolutely easy to learn Genuine Spanish starting right from the basics to the advanced. There are enough resources online that you can access and become proficient in the use of Spanish for business, pleasure, when with friends, colleagues, in the marketplace, etc.

Whatever resources you are using right now, endeavour to speak to a native Spanish speaker and find out how vast you have become in mastering the Spanish language.

A few helpful tips and corrections here there should go a long way to ensuring that learning to speak the Spanish language is good money spent well and a quest worth all the effort and investments.

With Shortcut To Spanish, you can successfully learn to speak Spanish language in seconds without being laughed at or embarrassed in public again -easily, fluently and confidently. Discover a new world of opportunities and possibilities with Spanish Made Easy.

How an Accent Reduction Coach Can Help You

This article struck me as interesting, and it was on one of the websites where authors put their articles to be used by other webmasters. It is written for people needing to improve their English, so just substitute Spanish wherever you read English in the article. (The terms of service of the articles website don’t allow me to change the article.)

This could be a good idea for someone with access to native speakers of Spanish who have good accents, which is in many places!

By Susan M Ryan

An accent reduction coach can tell you which sounds and patterns you currently use that contribute to your accent. Then you can focus on the areas that are problems for you and help you learn the sounds and patterns of spoken English.

People from many different fields are now looking for ways to improve their American English pronunciation and reduce their accents. These include: doctors, nurses, clergy, business executives, engineers, professors and call center employees. They understand that clear spoken English will allow them to communicate more effectively with business associates, customers, colleagues and friends.

You may be one of the many people learning to read, write and speak English in your native country. Chances are that your reading, writing and grammar are excellent. However, you may have found that your spoken English is so accented that American English speakers don’t always understand you when you speak. Your foreign accent prevents American listeners from understanding you, causing frustration and breakdowns in communication.

Accent reduction involves changing or modifying some of the sounds and patterns in your current speech to make you sound more clear and comprehensible to American listeners. By learning to recognize and change the sounds and patterns that you unconsciously transfer from your own language to English, you can learn to speak in a way that will allow American listeners to understand you more easily.

An accent reduction coach can identify the pronunciation feautures that keep Americans from understanding you. Then she can help you learn the sounds and patterns of spoken English that you need to adapt in order to sound more American.

After each session with your coach you simply must practice your pronunciation every day for 20-30 minutes, even more if you can. This will help the new sounds and patterns you are learning to become natural for you. Most people actually begin to both hear and speak English differently once their coaching sessions begin.

People who take accent reduction courses are usually highly motivated individuals who are looking for better job opportunities or promotions. increased social opportunities and better cultural understanding. If this sounds like you, it may be time for you to investigate these kinds of classes.

Susan Ryan is an American English pronunciation and accent reduction instructor in Washington, D.C. Visit her blog to read more about Accent Reduction Coach.

Article Source:

View the original article here

8 Reasons to Use an Online Spanish Language Course

A great way for learning to speak, read, write, and understand Spanish is to use an online Spanish Language course. Because an online Spanish language course is so versatile, and interactive, it is highly effective for today's learning style.

Actually, I am fluent in Spanish, but I had to learn on my own, with a lot of trial and error, mostly error! This was due to the fact that I lived in Spain with non-English speaking people and had almost no instructional material to use. The only thing I had was a first-grade Dick and Jane type book.

Different way to learn Spanish

If you are unable to immerse yourself in the language and culture by actually living in a Spanish speaking country, you need to find another way to learn. There are courses offered at community colleges, high schools, and private schools, plus you can always listen to tapes and CD's. I have personally used all these methods since returning to the US, but found them greatly lacking.

I found the classroom setting a big distraction and also quite boring. One of my classes was a little exciting though: we had a Cuban exiled criminal who was quite interested in the pretty American teacher. We all watched out for her, especially after class. This was part of president Carter's amnesty for them.

The tapes and CD's were also rather monotonous and quite out of date. I really was not interested in how to buy a brown umbrella, or hail a taxi. Probably the biggest benefit of the tapes and CD's was the fact that I could listen to native speakers, though even that was out of date as well.

One time I loaned a Spanish language cassette tape course to a female friend, who told me she didn't like it at all. Turns out that most of the dialog was in a bar, with a man trying to pick up a woman! Funny, I hadn't even noticed!

Another series I own focuses on a businessman trying to get an apartment in a big city. This was OK, but I'm not a big businessman, and I don't like big cities. So, a lot of the dialog just was irrelevant.

Interactive, relevant and up-to-date

This brings up the fact that an online Spanish language course is up-to-date and relevant. Because it is interactive and updated, you get fresh information and terminology. So, rather than learning how to leave a big tip and hail a taxi, you learn how to use the internet and a cell phone.

These interactive courses teach you things like slang words, jokes, riddles, games, and how everyday people might speak. This is much more useful than elephants, and desks! In the real world, people just don't talk like a book.

With the emphasis on up-to-date usage and interactive participation, you will be in a much better position to actually be able to carry on a conversation. For example: if you can talk about futbol, you automatically have a connection!

Because an online Spanish language course is kept current, you will get things like updated grammar and dialog. This keeps the program more interesting and motivating.

It is a known fact that learning on a computer is much different than a conventional style of learning. People have much shorter attention spans online and tend to browse and skim much more, looking for the main points. This type of course meets that need very well.

8 reasons for using an online Spanish language course

Interactivity-you participate Fresh and current Self-pacing Designed for internet users Costs are kept at a minimum Good to the environment-no packaging Learning materials are updated Fits all levels of competency

These are just a few of the many very good reasons to use an online Spanish language course. Overall, if you cannot immerse yourself in the language and culture by living abroad, this is the best way to learn a language.

Since living in Spain and traveling in South America, Randy Hough has continued to learn Spanish and test program after program to find the best. You can read his reviews and comments on his site: You can compare the benefits of many Spanish language courses and find what fits your learning style. Ask me about the time the drug lords henchmen almost cut me in pieces in Mexico! I was very glad I spoke fluent Spanish that day!

Steps to Learning Spanish Online

Learning a foreign language is both challenging and exciting. The sense of accomplishment after you've successfully passed a language course is indescribable. There are benefits derived from learning other languages - in business, for example, it;s easier to close deals when you know the language of your client. For job seekers. It's a great advantage to speak multiple languages, as well.

Spanish language courses have increased in popularity in recent years - maybe because more Spanish soap operas are available on cable! Fortunately for those who want to learn the language, Spanish courses are available online. You can of course, try and learn Spanish on your own, but you'll see better results if you take proper Spanish course.

If you'd like to translate Spanish text online, it's simple:

1. Using a search engine, find a language translation page on the web. There are many to choose from.

2. After selecting a translation page, choose the appropriate translation format - say, Spanish-to-English - indicate the languages you are translating.

3. If you'd like an entire web page translated into English, simply paste the URL into the space provided and then press the submit button. A translated version of the page will then appear.

4. If you want other text translated, you have to simply paste the text instead of the URL into the space provided and then press the submit button.

Things to remember:

o Bear in mind that the translations produced are quite rough - usually an intermediate Spanish student could do better.

o When pasting in your own text, you may be limited to one or two paragraphs.

There are also tutorials available online, offering tips on how to speak Spanish:

1. In speaking the Spanish language, remember to pronounce the letters B and V the same way they are pronounced in English. This is easy to remember.

2. Don't bother to learn verbs in anything other than the present tense.

3. Don't forget to pronounce the letters D, G, H, J, L, Q and Z the same as they are pronounced in English. Again very easy.

4. If ever you don't know the Spanish word just add "o" or "a" at the end of the English word in order to make into a noun or "ar" at the end to make it into a verb.

5. Remember that if a Spanish word looks like an English word, it probably means the same thing.

6. Also bear in mind to forcefully pronounce all consonants and to muddle the sounds of vowels.

7. Don't forget to study courtesies such as "por favor" (please) and "gracias" (thank you) are important in Spain and Latin America.

8. Speak using the "tú" form of "you"

9. Avoid redundant pronouns

10. Hopefully, learn something!

It is still recommended that you take a professional Spanish course in order to learn correct grammar and pronunciation. Be sure to practice what you've learned in order to become more fluent in the language.

Jeff Linaker has an interest in Recreation & Hobbies and Learning Spanish Online, for more FREE information and articles please visit Learning Spanish Online Resources

Smoked Paprika Tin

Another food product to sizzle your Spanish learning journey :D
Pimenton Ahumado - Rich and complex with Smokey overtones, this paprika is the foundation for many Spanish dishes. Use this paprika to develop rich flavors on meat and seafood dishes. This gourmet quality paprika is far superior to the bland Hungarian or Domestic varieties available at your local supermarket. The Fresh pods from the mild Nora Pepper are smoked over oak logs to develop the flavors. This technique brings out different aspects of the peppers complex flavor, thus we suggest trying out at least two different varieties in your cooking. Peppers smoked over an oak fire develop into a rich and complex palate which is much more powerful and pronounced than in our sun-dried varieties.
We suggest Sweet and Hot Varieties for sauces, vegetables, fish, eggs, and French Fries. We suggest the Bittersweet and Smoked varieties for Paella, Fabada, beef, lamb, or for use on the grill.
As with saffron, pimenton releases its flavor when heated. Sprinkled over a colorless dish, the pimenton will liven up the color without changing the flavor. Adding to a cooking recipe, the flavor will be released to infuse the dish with complex flavors.
One important note: The sugar content of pimenton is very high, thus you must be cautious not to overcook the spice or it will burn. Add to a cooking dish only when liquids are present, and then keep a watchful eye if using high heat.
Click here to buy from Amazon

Spanish Verbs

If you're interested in learning Spanish verbs, then you're probably on the right track to learning Spanish. I suggest you get some vocabulary before jumping into grammar. There are many Spanish grammar books out there, but it's very important you know enough vocabulary before going into verbs - you need to know who does the action and you should have a complement to the verb you are using.

Learning Spanish verbs isn't that hard. You should memorize the basic rules, and then practice them. Practice makes perfect. However, like I have already mentioned, you should gain some knowledge of the most used verbs and what they mean - get to know some verbs and their meanings.

Once you practice the basic verbs in the tense you are studying, you should move on onto irregular verbs that are also quite common in Spanish. They aren't much harder however and can be learned pretty quickly. Spanish verbs aren't that hard to acquire, but they do require practice and work so you can know your verbs on the tip of your fingers.

Another way of learning Spanish verbs is to simply train your ear - I'll give you an example of this. If you ask a five year old to conjugate a verb in the first person in any given tense, the five year old will probably look at you very weirdly. However, if you speak to the child for some time you'll realize that he or she always says he sat and not he sats.

Why? Simply because the child has been listening and speaking english for quite a long time, and now has a trained ear which automatically detects which conjugation is correct and which one is not. This is a good way of learning, however you should still know Spanish verb conjugation rules very well.

Once you know the rules and you have practiced yourself a little, you can then go out and listen to the language to train your ear. This way you'll insure you'll always say verbs the right way.

When I first started learning Spanish, I did my homework and I looked around for Spanish courses. The one that I found and that I thought would be right for me is called Rocket Spanish, and thanks to it I can speak very fluent Spanish today.

If you would like to listen to my experience with Rocket Spanish and get my tips and tricks for learning Spanish, please visit my website. The great thing about Rocket Spanish is that it is mostly an Audio course which also helps to train your ear.

If you want to hear my story on learning Spanish with Rocket Spanish, simply go to My Rocket Spanish Review.

Streetwise Spanish

This is a very relevant course on How To Easily and Confidently Speak Vibrant Streetwise Spanish In Just One Week! Learn to speak Spanish fluently now!  Check it out!

Quickly Learn A Language By Thinking In It

It can be tedious to learn a language. There will always be a certain amount of rote memorization required. However, there are also many little techniques for more easily learning a language. Labeling things around the house in the language you want to learn comes to mind. Listening to tapes while in the car is another. Then there is a technique I used to learn Spanish.

How I Quickly Learned Spanish

I studied Spanish books for six weeks before going to Ecuador. I didn't speak a word of the language during this time - a big mistake. Still, I was able to converse with the locals in the hostel in Quito the day after I arrived. Within a few days I was discussing philosophy, politics and more with Ana, who is now my wife.

How did I learn a language so quickly? I didn't really. I had a very limited vocabulary when I arrived in Ecuador, and a very limited vocabulary when I left. However, I could use what little Spanish I knew to express myself. This I credit to a habit that fortunately is also a great technique for learning a language.

I have conversations in my head. I think of what I am about to say, and have always played out future discussions in my imagination. I found myself doing this in Spanish too. The result was that I learned how to speak the language quickly, and say a lot with few words.

Learn To Think In A Language

People imagine that they have to be fluent to think in a language. This just isn't true. You can choose to think "I am walking to the store," so there is no reason you can't think "Yo estoy caminando a la tienda," as soon as you know those six words. If you don't know the word "caminar" (to walk), but you know how to say "Yo voy a la tienda," (I go to the store) you can think that. Alternately, you can look up a word or two as you get "stuck."

One reason this is a great way to learn a language is that it helps you remember the words. Repetition works, and saying the words, even if only in your mind, works better than reading or hearing them. When you make a point of translating your thoughts into your new language, you are always practicing.

It is more than just good practice, though. Putting your thoughts into your new language forces you to learn not just words and rules, but also specific ways to express what you want to say. We all talk about different things and have different interests, right? A doctor might want to know how to say "where does it hurt?" while I may want to ask where the mountains are. Often, you learn what others think you should know. This helps, but your thoughts are uniquely yours, and when you think in your new language, you are learning exactly what YOU need to learn.

Speaking a language is perhaps the best way to learn it, and thinking it is just speaking it in your mind. You'll learn your most important words, expressions and sentences quickly if you are thinking them continually. Another tip: Carry a language dictionary with you to use whenever your thoughts stop flowing. This is a powerful way to learn a language and start speaking it quickly.

Steve Gillman has been working on his Spanish with his wife Ana Blum, a native of Ecuador. Together they have built a website where you can get free lessons in Spanish. Visit:

Learn Spanish Course - 3 Important Tips to Help You Choose

So you want to take that first step to speaking fluent Spanish and for that I applaud you and the fact your reading an article like this shows your serious about wanting to find a learn Spanish course that will actually help you learn Spanish. So all you need now is some basic tips to help you come to the right decision.

The tips I am going to give you are very obvious to those who have already started a learn Spanish course but maybe not so obvious to those who are just starting to find out about learning Spanish.

TIP 1 30 to 60 Day Money Back Guarantee.

This is a must pick a product that has a no nonsense money back guarantee. You will never have to use it if the product says does what it says but by the very nature they are prepared to give you a money back guarantee tells you everything you need to know about the company offering the product

TIP 2 Make Sure The Product Uses Accelerated Learning Techniques.

Again this is pretty obvious but when you're buying a brand new product you want the best and most modern techniques available. I learnt using Accelerated learning techniques and it does make basic Spanish stick in your head. However there are also very good learning products that also use interactive learning.

TIP 3 Beware Of Free Lessons.

If someone is offering you a free lesson the obvious question is why? In reality there trying to hook you into there product probably because this is the only way they can get customers. The reality is you will never learn Spanish with a free product you will have to sign up to get a full course eventually. So why not stick to tip one from the start and you will always get your money back if it doesn't work out.

I hope you found the tips useful and it helps you decide which learn Spanish course is right for you. The reality is you can be speaking the language within 10 weeks for as little as $40.00 Dollars.

If your really want to know which LEARN SPANISH COURSE is right for you then contact Fiona Gonzales at her blog where you can see her exclusive review of all the best learn Spanish products and courses currently available. alternatively have a look at these EASY SPANISH LESSONS for only $40.00 surely worth a click of a button. FIONA IS HERE TO HELP YOU SO DON'T BE AFRAID TO ASK.

Tips On How To learn A Foreign Language

A very interesting article :)
When referring to the languages I speak they are English, French, Spanish, Italian and Polish which to many may seem like an impressive number but before some get the idea that I should be admired for my linguistic skills. I would like to say that this is due more to circumstances then skill. First of all I was born in New York City where I spent the first 3 months before being sent away to live with my grandparents who spoke both Spanish and Italian, so unsurprisingly the languages I started speaking were Spanish and Italian. By the time I was five years of age I spoke both these languages well however I did not speak English at all so it was with this in mind among other things that my parents brought me back to New York where I started learning English. It was strange to me at first; going to school in a country that was my own hearing people speak a language that I did not understand. With time however since I was still at that early age in which languages come with ease; English started becoming more and more comprehensible and in a bigger way it was the cartoons I watched on television which I had already seen in Spanish that helped me. It is because of this factor which I experienced when I learned English at the age of 5 that I can lay claim that those who are in their very youthful years need not to have languages taught to them as they will learn them their own. It is with this in mind that I urge parents whose wish it is for their children to learn a foreign language or two to simply expose their child to the language as I was by my parents who sent me to a school where everybody spoke English.
Of course when giving this advise I have not lost sight of the fact that not all parents have at their disposal the chance to send their child to a school where the language they want their child to learn is spoken either because they do not live in a country where it is spoken or they don't have the funds to send their child to a school in which all subjects are carried out in that language. It is to these parents that I suggest that constant exposure to that language by all means at their disposal would be the most appropriate. When I say this I have in mind that parents naturally if they speak the language in question should do so with their children; this basically being the way most people get to speak a language at the start; from their parents.
However to those parents who are not speakers of the language they wish their child or children to learn then I would suggest exposing their child or children to that language by way of television such as "Cartoon Network" or perhaps films on DVD. As an idea to follow first have the child watch the film in his or her first language and then in the second one; repeating this process as many times as possible everyday. To many parents it may seem that their children only waste time when they sit in front of the TV set and to a large degree they do but time spent watching TV need not be a waste of time specially if it can help their child learn a foreign language. I recall in my many years as an E.S.L. (English as a Second Language) teacher; a five year old child. It was this child who spoke fluent English. Naturally making grammatical errors but then again what child his age does not. Regarding his accent I can say in earnest that this child from Warsaw, Poland spoke English with no traces in his accent that would have given away even to a foreign accent trained ear like mine that he was not an American. One might think as I did that this child had spent time in America or another English speaking country or that his parents were English speakers but when I asked the child's mother she informed that this child had neither set foot in an English speaking nor did she or her husband speak any English what so ever. As far as lessons were concerned he had only had those which were offered at the public school which he attended which did not exceed those that would have taught him the very basics. My curiosity took over my actions at this point making me ask how it was possible for their son to speak English fluently like any American child his own age even without the slightest trace a foreign accent. To this question I was met with the answer that this child watched "Cartoon Network" in English practically 24 hours a day.
If there is an unfortunate side to learning languages it is that those who did not start at a very early age in life for the most part will always be at a disadvantage to those who did. They will tend to speak with an accent that will classified as foreign and for the most part struggle with grammar however I say this not with the aim of dissuading but of informing those who start past the age of 10 that they will have to work harder. Of course this is not to say that they will not learn and learn well but perhaps certain nuances of the language will be lost to them.
Many are the reasons for wanting or needing to learn a language from living in a country to seeking a job to so many others that I will not go over all of them however as many as there be reasons there also be methods. If the later be the case I have found that the "target method" to be the most efficient when the matter be simply learning to communicate. As this is what most people seek to get when they study a language. By communicating I have in mind learning how to understand and be understood in a second language which by its own virtue does not concentrate so much on grammar's rules but on how one should speak a language using correct grammar without the need to necessarily go over a lot of rules that would not necessarily make one a better speaker. I in my fourteen years as an ESL (English as Second Language) teacher have come to discover that those who know more rules regarding for instance when to use "present perfect" as opposed to when to use "past simple" do not always speak more grammatically correct however it is important to have a basic understanding of the tenses if one is to use them correctly. During the course of this time there is a lot I have taught my students but also a lot which I have discovered for myself from both my students and from teaching them and here are some tips which I would like to provide those who are seeking to learn a language:
1. Find a teacher or a school; this is of more importance to total beginners as languages are not like history which can be learned solely by reading it. Languages require the spoken part which involves learning how words are pronounced in languages that are not always systematically phonetic so for this reason I recommend getting a teacher. For total beginners I also suggest starting in a group because at the start what people are most in need of is repetition. For instance a teacher might begin with each student saying "My name is ___." and if there should be 20 students in the class then we should hear this sentence repeated just as many times and therefore making it more provable that the sentence will stick in our mind then if we had just heard it repeated twice. Granted groups advance more slowly but the speed in which we cover the material is not the issue but what is, is how much of it we absorb and I noticed specially when I was studying French and Polish how much easier it was to learn things because of the repetitive nature to be found in groups.
2. When learning a second language we must think in the language we are trying to learn. There are those however who may say that for beginners this is the neither possible or recommendable but to those I would say that on the contrary it is. The reason I say this is for instance if a person is learning Spanish and the first sentence he is presented with is "Yo me llamo ___." (My name is ____.) then he or she should say this sentence not translating in to English and then repeating it in Spanish but knowing what the sentence means and simply repeating it. This method perhaps may be slower at first but will pay off in the future because if the student can say the sentence in the language he or she is learning without having to translate in his or her mind this will make it possible for that student to become fluent as that person will be able to speak without thinking of the words. Fluent speaking is when a person gets an idea and can put that idea in to words without thinking of the words because they come automatically. Naturally this does not mean that if a person speaks a language fluently he or she will speak that language correctly as these are two different things. Fluency dealing with how much time passes from the moment the thought enters the mind to the moment the words come out and only this. Many of my students on many occasions have asked me how can they think in the language they are speaking and to them I tell the following. When speaking or repeating a sentence or word in a language one should pretend that the only language one speaks or knows is the language one is trying to speak. In other words one should forget all other languages that one may speak and if one does so speaking a foreign language fluently will be easier ; reason being that translating as one goes along slows one down. This even holds more true when listening to a language for if we had to stop and translate every word in to another language that is being said to us by the time we translated the first word the whole sentence would have gone by so with this in mind I say we should only think in the language we are speaking or listening to forsaking all others.
3. To learn a language when we wish to translate a sentence what we should do is translate the general idea of the sentence and not word per word but as a whole for it is there where we see the general idea. For instance in Italian we say "Io me chiamo Gianni" which when translated word per word would be "I call myself Gianni" which in English does not have the same meaning. This however if translated not word per word but the general idea we would get "My name is Gianni". The reason this stands as truth is that every language is different and not only that words are different but their grammar. Grammar being the order in which we place words. Sometimes however it is not a matter of grammar which in an of itself differs one language from another. As an example I can give that Polish only employs three tenses (present, past and future) and does not have articles, definite or indefinite but the way people speak. For instance in French it is correct to say "J' ai 40 ans" which when translated directly in to English would be "I have 40 years" which in proper English would be "I am 40 years old". This proving my point that is not always a question of grammar but of the way people in different languages speak this making it that the same thing is expressed in a different way. As an added example I can give that in Polish the sentence "happy birthday" does not exist but in its place Polish people say (from a literal translation) "all the best wishes".
4. Never ask why! In languages it is not important to know why Polish does not use articles or why English does not have articles that differentiate genders like French which has them in the form or "le" and "la" or why Spanish and Italian do not use the letter "k" to spell any of their own words. What is important is to understand how the language is and speak it as such and not waste time analyzing why it is one way or was made one way and not another. Knowing this; if we could even find out why will not help us speak the language we are trying to learn anymore then knowing why most of us have two instead of three eyes would help us see better. So in short do not worry about why it so just accept it and speak it or write it as such.
5. Languages do not require thinking or least none that be analytical but the ability to understand a situation and repeat the sentence that explains it to another person. For instance when we say "This is a pen." we establish what something is and if the object we were establishing were a table then the structure would be the same "This is a table". These two sentences only requiring us to change one word but not the structure which should not change since the situation has not.
6. Do not be afraid to make mistakes. When learning a language mistakes are as unavoidable as is falling down to a child who is learning to walk. If that child or his parents were afraid of their child falling down that child would never learn to walk; same thing with languages. I always tell my students that if they can not avoid mistakes at least they should try to learn from them. One of the reasons people are afraid or perhaps embarrassed about mistakes is what other people might think. This if one logically thinks about should not represent a problem as those who are mindful will understand that the person who is speaking is not a native speaker of that language and will not only understand if that person makes some mistakes but will not think less of that person for doing so.
7. Using good grammar is not the most important thing! Unless we are teachers of that language or writers in that language; then grammar is not the most important thing if we just want other people to understand what we are saying. Grammar only becomes an issue when we are misunderstood or not all. For instance if I heard someone say "I had bought a book, yesterday" I would understand that this person bought a book yesterday. This despite the fact that he or she used "past perfect" in a situation when he or she should have used "past simple". So my advise to those who are speaking a foreign language is to not worry about what is grammatically correct and just to speak.
8. Practice as much as possible! To learn to speak Spanish fluently or any other language well we need to have at least 20 hours of contact a week with the language. By this I mean taking lessons but they are not enough. For instance if a person took piano lessons this would not be enough to learn the piano as that person would have to have a piano he or she could practice on at home otherwise lessons would not be so beneficial. Having said this what I recommend to those who do not live in a country where the language they want to learn is spoken is to look for as much contact with the language in question as possible. May be in the form of watching television in that language, making friends with people who speak that language or just having a romantic acquaintance that would also contribute to one's linguistic needs apart from all the rest.
9. The four parts to languages are the following: the spoken one, the read one, the written one and listening. To practice the last one all we need is to watch films in that language maybe even with subtitles. With regard to reading this we should practice for the reason that it is the best way for us to expand our vocabulary in the language as we have time to look up the words we do not understand. Writing should be improved by reading because after seeing the words many times this should teach us how to spell them. The speaking perhaps is the hardest to practice as it is most advisable to not do this alone as this would force one to answer oneself.
In all my years as a language teacher and learner of languages it has been my experience that has taught me that when speaking or learning a language as in life all we can do is our best and hope for just that so with this in mind I leave those who should read this with the following thought. It is better to speak a language badly then not at all because if we really think about it how many people speak a language with grammatical perfection even their own let alone a second or a foreign one.
My name is Gianni Truvianni, I am an author who writes with the simple aim of sharing his ideas, thoughts and so much more of what I am with those who are interested in perhaps reading something new. As for the details regarding my life I would say that there is nothing that lifts them above the ordinary. I was born in New York City in 1967 on May 21st and am presently living in Warsaw, Poland because my wife happens to be from this particular country that was also the birthplace for my only daughter. My daughter being the star of "Little Opera Singer" which was my first ever completed story.
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