Sep 28, 2010

How to Learn Spanish Pronunciation - 4 Techniques to Help You Speak Spanish Fluently

Learning proper Spanish pronunciation is a key part of gaining fluency. If you want to know how to learn Spanish pronunciation then here are some great tips:

- Listen to your favorite TV shows or movies with Spanish audio where available. Turn on the Spanish subtitles to see exactly which words are being said, and pay careful attention to the way that they are spoken out loud. Sometimes the pronunciation is quite different from the way that you would assume just from reading the word.

- Interact with native speakers. If you are living in a foreign country, and talking to native Spanish speakers in their own environment, the chances are that you will learn to speak Spanish with the correct pronunciation, however audio courses often feature people speaking slowly with a deliberate pronunciation that will not sound natural. Try to find people nearby who are native or very fluent Spanish speakers and practice your pronunciation with them.

- Repeat the alphabet. This may seem like a simple exercise, but it is a proven way to help you improve your pronunciation in a foreign language. If you can master your pronunciation of the basic elements of Spanish, your pronunciation of words will come a lot more easily.

- Don't be afraid of talking out loud. Too many new students are intimidated by speaking new words or phrases that they have learned, but this is the only way that you will become comfortable enough to really master your fluency. Repeat words that you hear but are unsure how to pronounce properly in Spanish until they sounds as close to the original native speaker as possible.

Alejandra K. Legarda is a free lance Spanish instructor. She is also a contributor to the Learning Spanish Like Crazy course. If you would like to get immediate access to 7 free learning-Spanish videos lessons from Aleja and the first 2 lessons of Learning Spanish Like Crazy, then go here now:

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